“Art Course” Launched!
To those who want to study at the School of Art (University’s Bachelor Program) or Vocational School, today we introduce you EHLE Japanese Language School’s new course, “Art Course (opens in April of 2022)”!

✦The specialties of this course:
We will learn Japanese language while taking Art classes, drawing illustration or comics.
In order to let you fully prepared to study at the School of Art (University bachelor program or Vocational School) afterwards, we will do Japanese lessons aiming everybody to acquire JLPT N1, N2 level.
The curriculum examples of Art classes are: The basis of Art (Dessin, Drawing), Art 1 (How to draw comic’s characters), Art 2 (How to make the children’s book from planning to book binding.)
After completing EHLE Art Course, you will be given priority application to Osaka Sogo College of Design (大阪総合デザイン専門学校) 【Tuition Discount offers】
Mentor (class teacher) conducts the Individual career guidance corresponding with each students’ aptitudes and goals.
☞Please refer the details of Art Course:https://jls.ehle.ac.jp/art_course/
Please give us e-mail via EHLE’s official HP for inquiry and application about Art Course.